Figure 3
Pseudo-precession photographs produced by VIEWHKL of data collected at the APS (LS-CAT) for the protein holo-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthetase (ACPS) from M. smegmatis. The program uses the reduced data in the `mtz' file and extracts the corresponding reflections to display specific planes of the reciprocal lattices, such as hk0, hk1, hhl etc., creating `pseudo-precession' photographs. The data were integrated and processed using the beamline software (HKL-2000). The space group was confirmed to be R3. These two pseudo-precession photographs illustrate the power of the precession images to identify the space group in a dramatic manner. (a) The hk0 view of the weighted reciprocal lattice along the main threefold axis showing sixfold symmetry. (b) In contrast, the `upper level' photograph hk1 only displays threefold symmetry. This is diagnostic of trigonal space groups. Other crystallographic suites of programs such as HKL-3000 and Phenix (see text for details) can be used to effectively display the processed crystallographic data to complement the printed output of the crystallographic workflows. |