Figure 6
SRF of the crystallographic data for ClpC1 NTD–rufomycin processed in space group P4122, showing the threefold approximately along the body diagonal of the crystallographic unit cell (bottom left) as well as the inclined twofold axis (top left). Notice that since the crystallographic axes are not exactly equal (in this tetragonal system) the orientation of the `crystallographic' threefold axis is not exactly at 45° from each of the axes x, y and z. It would have been oriented exactly at the body diagonal if the data had been processed in P4132 (the correct space group). It should be emphasized that the initial data integration and processing was performed in the tetragonal space group with acceptable Rmerge values in all resolution ranges. The crystals appeared to be tetragonal with no obvious threefold symmetry. Only after the failure to solve the structure was the space-group symmetry questioned. The Rmerge values from the cubic processing were not significantly better, although the redundancy increased. |