Figure 5
Interactions between the bound β-1,4-glucan chains and the polar residues of GH8 endo-β-1,4-glucanases in each reaction state. (a) The structures of (i) the resting state EcBcsZapo, (ii) the reactive state CtCelA(E95Q)CPT, (iii) the post-cleavage state EbBcsZ(D242A)CPT and (iv) the post-hydrolysis state EcBcsZ(E55Q)CPT. The cellooligosaccharides and the residues are represented as sticks and lines, respectively. (b) Schematic diagram of the motion of the GH8 endo-β-1,4-glucanase residues during the reaction process. The glutamate and arginine of interest are represented as orange and blue sticks, respectively. When the sugar units interact with the glutamate and/or arginine, the solid circles are in the same color as the glutamate and/or arginine. |