Figure 1
Overall structure of diFe-SulE. (a) DiFe-SulE is shown in ribbon representation, with colours indicating the two chains (black, chain A; grey, chain B) of the homodimer in the asymmetric unit. The two binuclear metal sites are labelled site 1 and site 2. The four iron ions are shown as spheres and are labelled Fe-1 to Fe-4. Residues that coordinate the iron ions are shown as sticks and are coloured by chain. The N- and C-termini of the two chains are indicated. (b) Superposition of diFe-SulE (black/grey) with Fe/Zn-SulE (yellow; PDB entry 1j30). The Zn atom (teal) that occupies the position of Fe-2 and Fe-4 in Fe/Zn-SulE is indicated. The superposition was prepared with PyMOL. |