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Figure 2
Coordination of the Fe atoms in the binuclear metal-binding sites of diFe-SulE. (a) Details of the two binuclear metal-binding sites. Site 1 is shown on the left and site 2 on the right. Residues involved in the coordination of Fe-1 to Fe-4 are shown in stick representation and coloured by atom type. Fe-1 to Fe-­4 are shown as spheres and coloured as in Fig. 1[link]. (b) A 2FoFc composite omit electron-density map (blue mesh) contoured at 2.5σ for Fe-1, Fe-2 and the bridging ligand at metal-binding site 1, overlaid with an anomalous difference electron-density map (green mesh) contoured at 13σ for Fe-1 and Fe-2. For clarity, Glu126 has been omitted. (c) Comparison between the coordination of the metal ligands in diFe-SulE (black/grey), Fe/Zn-SulE (PDB entry 1j30; yellow) and Pyrococcus furiosus Fe-ruberythrin treated with H2O2 (PDB entry 3mps; green). Metal ions are shown as spheres. The numbering for both SulE structures corresponds to Fig. 2[link](a).

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