Figure 6
The same residues of the IR region bind the MET Sema domain in the InlB–MET complex and form the crystal contact to the B repeat in InlB392. (a) Overlay of the InlB–MET complex (PDB entry 2uzx) and InlB392 (PDB entry 7nms). MET is shown as an orange surface. InlB392 (grey) was structurally aligned with the InlB internalin domain (yellow) from the InlB–MET complex. A symmetry-related InlB392 is shown in dark green. The B repeat of this symmetry-related InlB392 overlaps with the MET Sema domain where it contacts the IR region. Glu332 that is mutated in the T332E variant is shown as spheres. (b) InlB392 (PDB entry 7nms) is shown as a surface. The cap region is coloured black, the LRR region grey, the IR region white and the B repeat green. Residues of the IR region involved in both binding of the MET Sema domain and formation of the crystal contact with the B repeat are shown in red. Residues only involved in the crystal contact with the B repeat are coloured cyan. |