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Figure 3
Interaction between PaGT3 and UDP-2FGlc. (a) Residues of PaGT3 (magenta) from the kaempferol/UDP-2FGlc-bound structure showing the sugar-donor analog stabilized by a network of hydrogen bonds. Side chains of the corresponding residues in apo PaGT3 (pink) show that the residues around UDP-2FGlc shift towards the substrate, where the side chains of Glu87, Ser292, Trp352 and His370 shows large movements. Water molecules involved in the hydrogen-bond network are shown as red spheres. The possible hydrogen bonds are indicated with dashed lines. The inset shows a σ-weighted 2Fo − Fc electron-density map contoured at 1σ for UDP-2FGlc in the PaGT3/UDP-2FGlc/kaempferol structure. (b) 2D figure showing residues that interact with UDP-2FGlc in the crystal structure.

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