Figure 1
Overall structure of SaDltA. (a) Ribbon diagram and surface representation of two perpendicular views of SaDltA (the N-terminal lobes and C-terminal lobes are colored orange and blue, respectively). The ATP molecule bound in the active site is shown using a stick representation and is colored by atom type. (b) Sequence conservation of SaDltA (see also Fig. 2 ) mapped onto the surface of the structure and colored from low to high conservation using a red to green gradient. (c) Left: close-up view showing the ATP- and Mg2+-bound active site of SaDltA. The 2Fo − Fc electron-density map (gray mesh) contoured at 1.0σ is shown around an all-atom representation of the P-loop. Center: close-up view showing the ATP- and Mg2+-bound active site of B. cereus DltA (PDB entry 3fcc). Right: close-up view showing the D-alanine-adenylate-bound active site of B. cereus DltA (PDB entry 3dhv). (d) B-factor distribution mapped onto the surface of SaDltA chains A and B (left) or chains C and D (right). The B-factor distribution is colored from low (20 Å2) to high (90 Å2) using a blue to red gradient. (e) Close-up view showing the interaction between the P-loop and residues residing in the hinge region of the Ppant blocking loop. Chain A of SaDltA is colored orange (N-lobe) and blue (C-lobe) and chain C of SaDltA is colored gray. |