Figure 11
Parameters of Pae87 and P87 bactericidal activity on P. aeruginosa PAO1. (a) Enzyme:bacteria or peptide:bacteria stoichiometry. (b) Dose–response curves. (c) Variation of killing activity with pH. (d) Variation of killing activity with ionic strength. (e) Variation of killing activity with the concentration of a non-ionic osmolyte (sorbitol), maintaining a fixed concentration of 50 mM NaCl. (f) Viable counts after 0, 5 or 15 min of vortexing. One-way ANOVA with a Dunnett post-test was applied for comparison with the control or the highest value condition: (a) 107 CFU ml−1, (b) 20 µM, (c) 6.5, (d) 50 or 150 mM, (e) 0 mM sorbitol and (f) the corresponding viable count without vortex treatment. Unless otherwise stated, the incubation conditions were 20 mM NaPiB pH 6.0, 150 mM NaCl, ∼108 CFU ml−1 PAO1, 10 µM of the bactericidal compound, 37°C, 2 h. Asterisks indicate p-values of significant comparisons (*, p ≤ 0.05; **, p ≤ 0.01; ***, p ≤ 0.001; ****, p ≤ 0.0001); nonsignificant comparisons are not indicated. When marked by letters, an all-against-all multiple comparison was applied with ANOVA plus a Tukey post-test. Different letters indicate significantly different results. |