Figure 6
Analysis of the degradation products of Pae87 activity on P. aeruginosa PAO1 peptidoglycan. (a) UV (204 nm) chromatograms of PAO1 peptidoglycan solubilized with either cellosyl or Pae87 and of the soluble fraction of an untreated sample. (b) Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry chromatograms of the degradation products of cellosyl (green) and Pae87 (purple) activities on PAO1 peptidoglycan. The retention time (rt) and a representative monoisotopic mass value are shown for selected peaks. (c) CID spectrum of the rt = 4.30 min peak of the Pae87 peptidoglycan degradation. Selected m/z values are displayed. The dissociation of a GMR-AEmA fragment is presented. G, nonreduced NAG; MR, reduced MurNAc; A, alanine; E, glutamic acid; m, meso-diaminopimelic acid. |