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Figure 5
Sugars in unusual conformations after refinement with the new dictionaries with unimodal torsion restraints. (a) BMA-B-3 from PDB entry 5jug (Jin et al., 2016BB24); (b) SIA-A-522 from PDB entry 6hg0 (M. T. Salinger, J. R. Hobbs, J. W. Murray, W. G. Laver, P. Kuhn & E. F. Garman, unpublished work); (c) NAG-E-1 from PDB entry 5o7u (Tobola et al., 2018BB43); (d) GLC-C-1 from PDB entry 5upm (Pluvinage et al., 2017BB38). These sugars appear as outliers in Fig. 4[link](b). They remain in high-energy conformations after refinement, but have a high RSCC. This figure was produced with CCP4mg (McNicholas et al., 2011BB32). Maps are displayed at the 1σ contour level with a sampling rate of 0.5.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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