Figure 7
GfasPurple mutants with blue- and red-shifted absorbance spectra. (a) Comparison of E. coli colonies expressing the Y116H and Y116H+E73D mutants of gfasPurple compared with gfasPurple, spisPink and eforRed. (b) Absorbance spectra of cell lysates of E. coli expressing the Y116H and Y116H+E73D mutants and gfasPurple. (c) Close-up of the chromophore-binding sites of gfasPurple (purple) and spisPink (pink) showing the role of His120 in spisPink and Tyr116 in gfasPurple. (d) Comparison of E. coli colonies expressing gfasPurple with S61I, S61I+P130S, S61I+G167D and S61I+P130S+G167D mutations with wild-type gfasPurple, amilCP and aeBlue. (e) Absorbance spectra of cell lysates of E. coli expressing the S61I+P130S+G167D mutant and gfasPurple. (f) Close-up of the chromophore-binding sites of gfasPurple (purple) and amilCP (blue) showing the substitution of Ser61 with isoleucine in amilCP. |