Figure 4
MALS–SAXS analysis of Kv2.1 T1. (a) MALS analysis of Kv2.1 T1. The calculated molecular weight (mean ± SD) is taken from the portion of the light-scattering peak indicated in red. (b) The experimental scattering curve of Kv2.1 T1 (black) is compared with theoretical scattering curves generated by CRYSOL for a tetrameric homology model of Kv2.1 T1 generated using YASARA based on Kv3.1 T1 (PDB entry 3kvt, blue, χ2 = 27) and the pentameric Kv2.1 T1 crystal structure (green, χ2 = 1.7). (c) The ab initio model of Kv2.1 T1 (shown as a surface) was reconstructed using GASBOR and the averaged filtered shape from DAMFILT is shown. The model is superimposed with cartoons for the tetrameric Kv2.1 T1 YASARA homology model (left) and the pentameric Kv2.1 T1 crystal structure (PDB entry 7re5; right). |