Figure 2
Sample-mixing overview. (a) Conceptual diagram representing `snapshots' in time during diffusive mixing across a liquid interface. Because diffusion is the driving force in many mixing applications, it is critical to increase the surface-to-volume ratio to speed up mixing. (b) On-grid mixing of the type described in Jain et al. (2012 ), where two sequential jets of sample are applied on top of each other and mixing occurs at the overlap. The depiction here shows jets at slight angles for illustrative purposes; in the actual implementation the jets are aligned. (c) Parallel lamination mixing, where multiple fluid streams are connected into one, generating diffusive mixing at the interface. In the case of a T-mixer geometry there is a single mixing interface along the centre of the channel. (d) Passive microfluidic mixing, repeatedly inducing breakup and re-merging of the liquid layers, generates many thin layers (seen as striations), thus increasing the surface-to-volume ratio of the mixing interfaces. |