Figure 6
The CBM73 domain is present but unresolved in the CbpD crystal structure. (a) The 2Fo − Fc electron-density map is contoured at 1.0σ. The Cα trace of the CbpD GbpA2 domain is shown (yellow and gray with residues 287–296 as sticks) with a symmetry mate (orange). The electron density extends to residue 296. (b) Despite the absence of strong density to place the CBM73 domain, there is space in the crystal packing where the domain fits. Looking roughly down the c axis of the unit cell, the left panel depicts one unit cell of the modeled residues of CbpD (ribbons), with each symmetry mate outlined for clarity and reference in the right panel (arbitrary colors). The right panel depicts how the CBM73 domain (red blobs) could pack into the remaining crystal volume. |