Figure 3
Comparison of 2Fo − Fc electron-density maps at 298 K around (a)–(f) the active site and (g)–(l) the flap domain (residues Ser76–Ser86) of EP–TL00150 structures as a function of DMSO concentration. The catalytic dyad, Asp35 and Asp219, and also Asp119, TL00150 and DMSO, are shown as stick representations. The S1 and S1′ positions of the EP active-site pocket and flap domain are shown in (f), (a) and (g), respectively. The 2Fo − Fc electron-density maps contoured at 1σ are shown in orange for TL00150 and in blue for the rest of the residues and DMSO. The concentration trend of DMSO is indicated by a grey triangular bar. Lys110–Ser120 are omitted from the figures for clarity. |