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Figure 5
Structural features of the C-terminal substrate-binding domain (SBD). (a, b) Comparison of the C-terminal arms of CrTIG1 with other chaperones in a front view (a) and a side view (b). Left, CrTIG1; middle, EcTF with bound substrate colored green (PDB entry 2mlz; Saio et al., 2014BB65); right, SurA complexed with peptide (PDB entry 2pv3; Xu et al., 2007BB84). (c) Electrostatic surface potential of the CrTIG1 arms alone; view from the upper side. (d) Hydrophobicity plot of the CrTIG1 arms alone; view from the upper side. (e) Alignment of chain A (red) and chain B (blue) found in the asymmetric unit of the CrTIG1ΔRBD crystal. (f) Coiled-coil motif (colored in orange) in arm 1 of the C-terminal SBD.

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