Figure 7
I(q) versus q and dimensionless Kratky [(qRg)2I(q)/I(0) versus qRg] plots for the consensus data (open black squares) overlaid with the profiles predicted by WAXSiS (red), CRYSOL (cyan), Pepsi-SAXS (orange) and FoXS (blue) from the crystal structures. Every second or third experiment point is omitted for clarity. I(q) versus q plots are offset vertically, while the Kratky plots are stacked vertically so that for each panel the dashed lines are for (qRg)2I(q)/I(0) = 0.0 or 1.1 for the plots above or below, respectively. The solid black reference lines in the Kratky plots are at qRg = 1.73. Error bars are standard errors based on propagated counting statistics. |