Figure 3
VcDciA and EcDnaC loaders are functionally interchangeable in vitro. Biolayer interferometry (BLI) analysis using a biotinylated oligonucleotide (50 nucleotides) immobilized onto the surface of an SA-coated probe by its 3′ extremity (see Section 2 ). Association was performed with the indicated helicase at a concentration of 100 nM during 300 s in a buffer solution containing ATP and MgCl2. Dissociation was assessed in the same buffer for 600 s. Increasing loader concentrations (from 0 to 200 nM in subunits; blue to red) were analyzed. The experiments were carried out in duplicate; only one is presented. (a) VcDnaB binding on ssDNA in the presence of VcDciA (left) or EcDnaC (right). (b) EcDnaB binding on ssDNA in the presence of EcDnaC (left) or VcDciA (right). |