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Figure 3
Structural context of the variable regions (VR) of the major capsid protein. A central VP3 (thick tubes) is surrounded by symmetry neighbors (thin tubes). The view is from outside the capsid, looking down an icosahedral twofold, with a threefold to the left and a fivefold to the right. Viewed from the exterior, the conserved β-barrel is hidden beneath the outer surface loops that dominate the foreground. Each subunit is rainbow-colored from the N-terminus (blue) to the C-terminus (red). The AAV4 cryo-EM structure is annotated by sequence-variable region (VR; Govindasamy et al., 2006BB23). VR-IV through VR-VIII are all contributed by a long loop between β-strands G and H. VRs of neighboring subunits that are most closely intertwined are annotated in abbreviated form (chain ID:loop No.).

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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