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Figure 4
Comparison of AAV2 (purple) and AAV4 (orange) at selected variable regions (VR) where PKD2 (yellow) interacts with AAV2. Amino-acid sequence alignments for each VR are provided below each set of structures, with the locations of the first and last residues provided (according to VP1 numbering); residues of interest extending beyond the variable region are supplied after the number; contact residues are shown in green, while clashing residues are shown in red. Too many clashes are present for AAV4 VR-IV and VR-V to be shown. Residues of interest are labeled on the structure and underlined in the alignment. Distances that are less than or equal to 3.0 Å are surrounded by a circle to make them easier to locate.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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