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Figure 2
Structure of the spike glycoprotein with LA bound to the hydrophobic pocket. (a) The spike structure is shown in a cartoon representation in a top view (above) and a side view (below). Bound LA is shown as orange spheres. The black box highlights an LA-binding pocket. (b) The LA-binding pocket formed by adjacent RBDs (PDB entry 6zb4; Toelzer et al., 2020BB70). Left: the hydrophobic pocket (cyan RBD) is lined mostly by phenylalanines. The carboxyl head group of LA (orange) is coordinated by Arg408 and by Gln409 from the neighbouring RBD (green RBD). Right: the corresponding tube-shaped EM density for LA is shown (mesh). (c) Example structures of LA occupying the hydrophobic pocket of spike. A 2.27 Å resolution structure of LA-bound spike produced in insect cells (PDB entry 7qur; Buchanan et al., 2022BB11). Spike produced in mammalian cells with LA in the pocket (PDB entry 6zp2; Xiong et al., 2020BB80). Unassigned density in the full spike protein structure (PDB entry 6xr8; Cai et al., 2020BB12) and in furin-cleaved spike produced in mammalian cells (PDB entry 6zgi; Wrobel et al., 2020BB78).

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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