Figure 1
Scatter plots of Rfree/Rwork against N/f for (a) all PDB entries with a resolution better than 4.0 Å and (b) Sarbecovirus structures. N is the number of atoms included in the refinement and f is the number of reflections used. The four dotted lines with different values of a represent the Rfree/Rwork ratios which should be achievable at the end of a refinement when only random uncorrelated errors exist and are defined by [(1 + aN/f)/(1 − aN/f)]1/2 (Tickle et al., 2000 ). a corresponds to the number of independent parameters being determined per atom, with a lower value of a corresponding, for example, to isotropic refinement with highly weighted restraints and a high value of a corresponding to anisotropic refinement with lower weighted restraints. The colours encode the corresponding resolution ranges of the PDB entries. The distributions are rather similar and show that there is over-refinement and under-refinement (outliers of a resolution group shifted left or right from the majority of the distribution along the a curve, respectively). |