Figure 8
Isothermal titration calorimetry. (a) Binding between YdaT and OM. The integrated heat of binding per mole of injectant is plotted as ΔH as a function of the molar ratio r between the host and the ligand in the cell and the syringe, respectively, and fitted as described in Section 2 . The full line corresponds to a titration with 5 µM YdaT tetramer in the cell titrated with 100 µM OM duplex in the syringe. The dashed curve corresponds to a titration with 5 µM OM duplex in the cell and 25 µM YdaT tetramer in the syringe. A single global fit for titrations was used to obtain the thermodynamic parameters listed in Table 4 . (b) A similar titration for YdaT (100 µM tetramer) titrated into to the OMR duplex (15 µM). (c) A similar titration for YdaT tetramer (140 µM) titrated into the OLM duplex (15 µM). All molar ratios (r = [syringe]/[cell]) were calculated for YdaT as a tetramer and the DNA fragment as a duplex. |