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Figure 9
SAXS solution structure of the YdaT–OM complex. (a) Experimental SAXS curve (black) with the theoretical curve for YdaT–OM (red) superimposed. The theoretical curve was calculated from the ten best-fitting ensembles (χ2 = 1.418) each consisting of two models. (b) YdaT tetramer bound to two OM duplexes. Ten superimposed conformers from the SAXS ensembles are shown. The DNA–POU-domain assemblies show rigid-body movement relative to the four-helix core of the YdaT tetramer. Within the POU domains, structural variations relative to the free structure are limited to the N-terminal His tag and the C-terminal tail as well as the loop (residues 96–99) between the POU domain and C-terminal helix α6. (c) Enlargement of the HTH motif bound to the OM duplex.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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