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Figure 2
The structure of the AioAB/cytc552 electron transfer complex. (a) The AioAB/cytc552 complex as observed for chains ABI, CDJ and EFK (AioA in blue, AioB in cyan and cytc552 in salmon). (b) The interface between AioAB and cytc552. Residues that participate in the two salt bridges are shown. (c) The structure of cytochrome cytc552. The four helices are labeled and the heme cofactor is shown in salmon. The heme Fe atom is coordinated by His38 and Met103. The protoporphyrin ring is covalently attached to Cys34 and Cys37. (d) `Open-book' representation of the AioAB/cytc552 complex (AioAB is in red and cytc552 is in blue) indicating the `footprint' of interacting residues for each protein. (e) The same view as in (d) colored according to the electrostatic surfaces (positive charge in blue, negative charge in red and neutral in white).

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