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Figure 3
The electron transfer pathway between AioAB and cytc552. (a) Pathway for electron transfer (Kurnikov, 2000BB30). (b) Secondary-structure-based sequence alignment of Rieske proteins. Conserved residues near the Rieske cluster are colored blue and Phe108, which is unique to AioB, is in red. Residue numbers in purple correspond to the AioB sequence. The alignment was generated using Clustal Omega (Sievers et al., 2011BB44). Abbreviations used are as follows: AioB, P. banfieldiae sp. strain NT-26 (this work); AfAioB, AioB subunit of arsenite oxidase from A. faecalis; SfSoxF, Rieske protein II from S. acidocaldarius; TtRp, Rieske protein from T. thermophilus; SyPetC3, Rieske protein from Synechocystis PCC 6803.

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