Figure 4
LigPlot (Wallace et al., 1995 ) representation of the fragment-binding modes in the pockets of hBRR2T1 in the hBRR2T1–hJab1ΔC complex. For the location of the pockets, see Fig. 3 (a). Residues of hBRR2T1 involved in interactions with the fragments are labelled. Red rays, van der Waals interactions; green dashes, hydrogen bonds. (a) Interactions of fragments 18, 26, 34 and 39 in pocket 1. (b) Interactions of fragments 18, 34 and 39 (pose 1) and 76, 78 and 86 (pose 2) in pocket 2. (c) Interactions of fragment 24 in pocket 3. (d) Interactions of fragment 18 in pocket 4 (C-terminal ATP-binding site). (e) Interactions of fragment 26 in pocket 5 (surface of the N-terminal RecA1 domain). (f) Interactions of fragment 39 in pocket 6 (interface between hBRR2T1 and hJab1ΔC); hBRR2T1 and hJab1ΔC residues are labelled `B' and `J' in parentheses, respectively. |