Figure 2
Molecular packing of the BRIL–SRP2070Fab co-crystal. (a) Molecular packing of the BRIL–SRP2070Fab crystal along the ac plane and the ab plane. An asymmetric unit is denoted as a rectangle drawn in black lines. Two BRIL–SRP2070Fab complexes (complexes A and B) in the asymmetric unit are shown as a surface, while molecules outside the asymmetric unit are shown as ribbon models. BRIL, SRP2070Fab heavy chain and SRP2070Fab light chain are shown in green, dark red and orange for complex A and in light green, pink and khaki for complex B, respectively. (b) Close-up image of the stacking along the c axis of the BRIL–SRP2070Fab crystal. Residues making contacts with neighboring complexes are depicted as spheres. Residues from neighbors outside of the asymmetric unit are shown in gray for better distinction. The N- and C-termini of BRIL are marked by red spheres. |