Figure 4
Multi-conformer modeling with FLEXR results in similar or better model-quality metrics than other methods. A test set of 15 high-resolution models (Keedy et al., 2015 ) was used to compare changes in each metric relative to the original deposited models: (a) Rfree, (b) Rwork, (c) Rgap, (d) clashscore, (e) percentage of side chains with favorable Ramachandran geometry and (f) MolProbity score. We compared five different modeling approaches: deposited models (used as a reference, not shown), re-refined deposited models (light orange), FLEXR (green), qFit with no backbone sampling (qFit-no-bb; dark orange) and qFit with backbone sampling (pink). The values shown (Δ) were calculated by taking the difference between the property of the target model and that of the deposited model. Raw values for individual models are given in Supplementary Figs. S5–S8 and S10-S11. |