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Figure 4
Multi-profile and stereochemically restrained Rietveld refinement of polycrystalline human insulin (polymorph I213). A synchrotron [upper panel; ID22 at ESRF, λ = 1.29974 (1) Å] and a laboratory [lower panel; Malvern Panalytical X'Pert Pro, λ = 1.540585 (3) Å] profile are presented. Upper panel: final pH 8.43, Rp = 7.70%, Rwp = 10.98%. The first peak was excluded from the refinement due to artificial distortions caused to the structure. Lower panel: final pH 7.84, Rp = 2.12%, Rwp = 3.34%. Black, red and blue lines represent the experimental data, the calculated profile and the difference between them, respectively. The vertical lines correspond to indexed peak positions. Data collection was performed at room temperature. A magnification of the high d-spacing resolution region of each data set is shown as an inset.

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