Figure 1
Sequence alignment of the catalytic domain of chitin-active AA10 LPMOs from bacteria. Multiple sequence alignment of 15 bacterial chitin-active AA10 LPMOs (see Supplementary Table S1 for the retrieved sequences). The conserved catalytic residues (equivalent to His1, His98 and Phe170 in VhLPMO10A) are indicated by blue triangles. Pale red to deep red represents the degree of conservation from medium to high. The two pairs of cysteines forming disulfide bridges are labelled with green numbers. Secondary-structure elements were constructed using the crystal structure of VcLPMO10B (GbpA; PDB entry 2xwx) as a template. The sequence alignment was carried out by MUSCLE and the secondary-structure elements were constructed by ESPript version 3.0. The structure elements are assigned as follows: α, α-helix; η, 310-helix; β, β-strand; T, turn. |