Figure 2
Crystal structure of T. maritima reverse gyrase with a minimal latch. The right-hand side shows the backbone of rgyr_minlatch with the minimal latch highlighted as a stick model (pink) with sequence 387-PSMRFSLEELIIPD-400, with residues at the beginning and end of the latch that are conserved across reverse gyrases underlined and those forming the bulge loop in bold. Glu395–Asp400 in rgyr_minlatch corresponds to Glu456–Asp461 in authentic reverse gyrase. Zooming in on the minimal latch (cartoon depiction) shows that the sequence adopts a left-handed bulge loop inserted at the end of a short, two-stranded β-sheet. The 2Fo − Fc electron density on the left is contoured at 1 r.m.s.d. β-Sheet hydrogen bonds are shown as black dashed lines. The dashed green line is the first hydrogen bond (i, i + 5) characteristic of a type 2 β-bulge loop. The second characteristic hydrogen bond (i, i + 4), however, is absent (distance of 5 Å, dashed red line). |