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Figure 4
Comparison of T. maritima rgyr_minlatch with a natural minimal latch in T. africanus reverse gyrase. The AF2 models of UniProt ID B7IEV8 (UniProt Consortium, 2008BB52, 2019BB51) and rgyr_minlatch are shown on the right, superimposed on the crystal structure of rgyr_minlatch in gray. The backbone of the AF2 model is colored according to the confidence of the prediction, described as the predicted Local Distance Difference Test (pLDDT) as a percentage. Here, pLDDT ranges from 51% to 98% and is colored with the `rainbow_rev' palette in PyMOL. Dark blue areas have pLDDT >90%, green 90–70%, yellow 70–50% and red <50%. On the left-hand side, the H2/latch regions are enlarged and rotated by 90° around the x axis. The sequences of the latch regions are given together with the strands forming the two-stranded β-sheet, which is slightly larger (green arrow) in the predicted T. africanus reverse gyrase. The conformational change observed in rgyr_minlatch is highlighted in pink, with key side chains shown as stick models. The same conformation is predicted in the T. africanus and rgyr_minlatch models, as well as in the AF2 models of A. fulgidus, T. tengcongensis and S. solfataricus reverse gyrases (Supplementary Fig. S1).

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