Figure 2
(a) Screening of conditions for disassembly of PvS1FL-ng complexed with its pro-region. SDS–PAGE and Coomassie Blue staining of eluted fractions collected after washing immobilized PvS1FL-ng with different solutions. The pro-region and catalytic domain of PvS1 are indicated, and the red rectangle indicates PvS1Cat product degradation that corresponds to band c in (b). U, untreated PvS1FL-ng; MW, protein molecular weights in kDa. (b) SDS–PAGE and Coomassie Blue staining of the purification of PvS1FL-ng (lane 1), PR-PvS1ng (lane 2), PvS1Cat (lane 3) and PvS1Cat-Tryps (lane 4). N-terminal sequencing by Edman degradation of the bands indicated on the gel is shown. Protein molecular weights are indicated in kDa. (c) Detail of the active site of PvS1Cat (in red) occupied by the C-terminal extension of a neighbouring molecule (yellow). |