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Figure 1
Biochemical characterization and crystal morphology. (a) Elution profile from size-exclusion chromatography and SDS–PAGE. (b) Thermal unfolding experiments. The blue curve represents the tryptophan fluorescence ratio at 350 nm/330 nm and the orange curve is the first derivative of the ratio. Note that two major melting points accompany the melting of DmmarA: Tm1 = 40.7°C and Tm2 = 57.3°C. (c) Micrographs of the needle-like DmmarA crystals obtained at pH 6.5 (left) and pH 5.5 (right). Black arrowheads indicate diffraction-quality crystals that display three-dimensional morphology. Bars represent 0.2 mm.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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