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Figure 4
Substrate specificity of Mef1 on different brown seaweed fucoidans by carbohydrate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (C-PAGE) after 2 h of reaction. Lanes C, fucoidan substrate controls for each type of fucoidan; lanes E, enzyme action of Mef1 on the fucoidans from F. evanescens (Fe), S. mcclurei (Sm), T. ornata (To), S. polycystum (Sp), H. cuneiformis (Hc), S. latissima (Sl), S. oligocystum (So), S. serratum (Ss) and F. vesiculosus (Fv). St designates the hydrolysate standard obtained after the enzymatic reaction of FFA2 [an α(1,4)-linkage-cleaving GH107 fucoidanase] on F. evanescens fucoidan with all fucose residues sulfated at C2; the lowest band is a tetrasaccharide (Silchenko et al., 2017BB31).

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