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Figure 5
A likely disulfide bond connects OtDUB to ubiquitin from a symmetry-related counterpart. (a) A symmetry-related molecule of OtDUB (OtDUBSym1, cyan) located proximal to the C-terminal tail of Ub from the asymmetric unit. Cys116 is shown in stick representation (orange). (b) An enlarged view of the boxed region showing the residues and the corresponding electron density (2FoFc at 1σ) of the C-terminal end of UbG76C and a polypeptide segment around Cys116 of OtDUB. (c) Samples of the crystals were run on an SDS–PAGE gel after dissolving them in both nonreducing (NR) and reducing (R) SDS loading buffers.

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