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Figure 15
Maximum composite images for the first 20 exposures (4° total rotation) from the SSRL data sets indicated by the subplot labels B, H, N, D, I and O. Based on Resonet overlapping lattice detection (see Fig. 14[link]) it was known that data sets B, H and N had a high chance of containing overlapping lattice scattering (80%, 74% and 57%, respectively). On the contrary, data sets D, I and O had a low chance of containing overlapping lattice scattering (12%, 0% and 0%, respectively), but were similar in setup to experiments B, H and N. All color bars are in `square-root-photon' units. While data set N clearly exhibited diffraction indicative of overlapping lattice features from separate protein crystals, it appeared that data sets B and H contain more subtle features (streaks and Bragg peaks from ice and/or salt) that cause Resonet to infer the presence of overlapping lattices.

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