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Figure 8
(a) Time-resolved series of UV–Vis absorption spectra obtained on a single BR crystal (see insert) with delays varying logarithmically between 3 µs and 1 s (purple to blue to green). The initial ground-state spectrum is shown as a thick black line. The excitation wavelength is 532 nm and the pulse energy is 75 mJ cm−2 at the sample position. (b) Power titration of the M-state time evolution. For each spectrum of the time series recorded at a given fluence, the optical density at 415 nm (OD415, from which the OD415 of the ground state has been subtracted) is plotted as a function of time. The resulting profiles have been scaled to each other using the OD415 value at 1 ms. The black trace corresponds to the profile of the experiment depicted in (a).

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