Figure 1
(a) The main-channel architecture in CATPO. The complexity of the channel above Thr188 and Glu484 is evident from its branching into C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 channels. All channels reach the surface. The channel cavities were calculated using Caver (Chovancova et al., 2012 ). (b, c) Comparison of the main and lateral channel structures leading to the active sites of the dimer of the large-subunit catalase CATPO (b) and the dimer of the small-subunit catalase bovine liver catalase (BLC) (c). Glu484 in CATPO and the corresponding residue His465 in BLC, located at the entrance of the main channel, are indicated. CATPO and BLC are oriented in the same way for ease of comparison. The figure was generated using PyMOL ( |