Figure 2
relion_analyse.py, a web-based dashboard for RELION metadata analysis. (a) The `RELION Pipeline' tab depicts a RELION project as an interactive graph in which nodes represent jobs and vertices represent input/output relationships between them. (b) The `Analyse Micrographs' and `Analyse Particles' tabs contain a plot where three variables in any STAR file in the RELION project can be represented simultaneously. The plot is interactive, allowing zooming and panning. The lasso tool implemented in Dash graphs allows the manual selection of images to be exported as an independent STAR file. They can then be readily imported back into RELION for further processing. (c) The `Follow 2D Classification' and `Follow 3D Classification' tabs allow 2D and 3D classification jobs to be followed as they run. They present a `Convergence' plot (left plot), in which parameters such as ChangesOptimalClasses or OverallAccuracyRotations, which typically decrease over iterations if the job is successful, can be plotted. The `Class Distribution' plot (middle) represents the proportion of particles in each class across iterations. In the example shown above it is noticeable that the classification of particles does not change significantly after iteration 10. The last plot (right), which is only present for the 3D case, represents SpectralOrientabilityContribution per class, which provides an estimate of which spatial frequencies contribute more to the alignment. (d) The `Follow 3D Refine' tab contains a `Convergence' plot, a representation of the FSC curve from the most recent refinement iteration, and a heatmap of the angular distribution of the particles. |