Figure 6
Time-resolved structural changes in an LOV2 domain over four orders of time magnitude (from 63 ms to 27 min) as observed in Aumonier et al. (2020 ) and Aumonier et al. (2022 ). The sequence starts with the dark state (grey), which then proceeds to a photostationary equilibrium (PS, green) with the light state under continuous illumination (light blue in timeline). After illumination has been stopped, the light state relaxes back to the dark state, yet in a different crystallographic state (red). The upper part of each panel features the cysteine residue and the FMN chromophore that engage in a thioether bond, and the lower part represents the C-terminal part. All 2Fcalc − Fobs maps are contoured at the 1.0σ level, except that of the dark-state structure (grey, top left), for which the contour level is 1.5σ. |