issue contents
March 2024 issue

Cover illustration: A structural overview of respiratory complex I from Yarrowia Lipolytica [Laube et al. (2024), Acta Cryst. D80, 159–173]. The complex consists of 14 conserved subunits and a varying number of accessory units depending on the organism. The peripheral arm and the membrane arm are each formed by two modules (indicated by dashed lines). The former is composed of the N and Q modules and the latter by the proximal and distal proton-pumping modules (PP and PD, respectively). Yellow circles indicate the positions of the iron–sulfur clusters; FMN is indicated in purple.

Five new Co-editors are appointed to the Editorial Board of Acta Cryst. D – Structural Biology.

The final models for macromolecular X-ray crystallography studies are usually not only the result of refinement against some version of scaled and merged reflection data, but are often also analysed and validated purely against such merged data. Here, various examples are presented to show how the availability and use of unmerged reflection data can lead to better model analysis and improved model parametrization, as well as providing a path to better data processing and scaling.

Single-particle cryo-EM is a powerful technique to study the assembly process of the largest mitochondrial respiratory chain complex, NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase or complex I. Here, the new insights that have been gained into the molecular functions of assembly factors are reviewed.

The automation of cryoEM pipelines to aid data-quality analysis during acquisition poses a number of challenges, particularly at facilities where the expected data rates are high. The use of a modern service-based architecture deployed on Diamond Light Source's on-premises cloud computing cluster to tackle some of these challenges is demonstrated, focusing on the provision of an early-stage processing pipeline for electron tomography that produces first-attempt reconstructed volumes within minutes of tilt-series acquisition.
research papers

The crystal structure of mycothiol disulfide reductase (Mtr) was determined for the first time. The structure shows a highly conserved and enlarged substrate-binding pocket, providing insight into the substrate-binding mode and specificity of Mtrs.
An X-ray free-electron laser structure of human carbonic anhydrase II is presented at 1.7 Å resolution and compared with structures derived using other methods.

This work reports the purification, biochemical characterization and high-resolution structures of two novel mevalonate kinases: one from the extremotolerant tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus at 2 Å resolution and one from the psychrophilic archaeon Methanococcoides burtonii at 2.2 Å resolution.
book reviews