research papers
Advanced exploitation of unmerged reflection data during processing and autoPROC and BUSTER
withaGlobal Phasing Ltd, Sheraton House, Castle Park, Cambridge, United Kingdom
*Correspondence e-mail: vonrhein@globalphasing.com
The validation of structural models obtained by macromolecular X-ray crystallography against experimental diffraction data, whether before deposition into the PDB or after, is typically carried out exclusively against the merged data that are eventually archived along with the atomic coordinates. It is shown here that the availability of unmerged reflection data enables valuable additional analyses to be performed that yield improvements in the final models, and tools are presented to implement them, together with examples of the results to which they give access. The first example is the automatic identification and removal of image ranges affected by loss of crystal centering or by excessive decay of the diffraction pattern as a result of radiation damage. The second example is the `reflection-auditing' process, whereby individual merged data items showing especially poor agreement with model predictions during F(early) − F(late) maps from carefully selected subsets of unmerged amplitude data, which can not only highlight the location and extent of radiation damage but can also provide guidance towards suitable fine-grained parametrizations to model the localized effects of such damage.
are investigated thanks to the specific metadata (such as image number and detector position) that are available for the corresponding unmerged data, potentially revealing previously undiagnosed instrumental, experimental or processing problems. The third example is the calculation of so-calledKeywords: unmerged reflection data; fitness analysis; reflection auditing; validation against diffraction data; radiation damage.
1. Introduction
The mandatory deposition of experimental data (wwPDB, 2007) into the PDB archive (wwPDB Consortium, 2019
) has enabled a wide variety of projects that make use of the original, processed and merged reflection data to not only provide better validation and potentially improved models, but also to drive method and software developments (Terwilliger & Bricogne, 2014
). Recent work by the PDBx/mmCIF working group (Westbrook et al., 2022
) consolidated the description of unmerged reflection data to support richer descriptions and more useful depositions of scaled and unmerged reflection data (wwPDB, 2021
Ultimately, better data might always be obtainable by performing a better X-ray diffraction experiment, either by (i) using a better data-collection protocol, detector or radiation source, (ii) optimizing an existing experimental setup and protocol or (iii) using improved crystal samples. When the opportunity for such a new experiment is not available, the first step in attempting an improvement in data quality often involves going back to the original raw diffraction data, i.e. the set of images containing raw diffraction counts in a two-dimensional pixel array. This is obviously only possible if these raw diffraction data are still available or have been deposited. As an intermediate stage between those two extremes – raw data at one end and the final merged reflection data (often structure-factor amplitudes and their standard uncertainties only) at the other – the unmerged reflection data in the form of individual measurements for a given unique reflection can serve as a useful compromise, provided that they carry sufficient metadata. It is the purpose of this article to illustrate the benefits that can be gained by exploiting various categories of such metadata through novel tools implemented in autoPROC (Vonrhein et al., 2011) and BUSTER (Bricogne et al., 2023
2. Unmerged versus merged reflection data
Unmerged reflection data typically come in two flavours: (i) raw integrated intensities (and their standard uncertainty) with I and σ after scaling and potential outlier rejection, i.e. just before the final merging step that produces merged intensities and their associated standard uncertainties.
applied but before the scaling and outlier-rejection steps and (ii) intensitiesIn case (ii) the N individual scaled intensity measurements belonging to a given unique reflection are assumed to constitute a collection of independent measurements Ii of varying precision described by their respective variances Vi = , having the same namely the true value of the intensity for that unique reflection on the common scale of the N measurements. Under this assumption, the latter can then be combined (`merged') by inverse-variance-weighted averaging (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-variance_weighting) to yield a estimator of the true intensity with improved precision.
In all modern merging procedures and programs, the merged intensity is therefore computed as
and the associated
asBesides their actual values used in this final merging step, raw integrated intensities are accompanied within the processing software by reflection attributes such as a symmetry flag indicating their relation to the unique reflection to which they belong, as well as the image number (or scan angle) and detector coordinates at which the corresponding spot centroids occur in the raw diffraction images. These attributes are available in some program-specific output files [for example INTEGRATE.HKL or XDS_ASCII.HKL from XDS (Kabsch, 2010) or the unmerged MTZ files used within the CCP4 suite (Agirre et al., 2023
)] but are lost once the scaled unmerged intensities are combined by inverse-variance-weighted averaging to produce the merged data that are then used for and eventually deposited with the final refined model. Recent extensions to the PDB mmCIF dictionary allow these attributes to be deposited and archived as additional reflection items, thus giving access to remediation and improvement opportunities from such `enriched' unmerged data, of which three examples are given in the following.
3. Benefits of using enriched unmerged data: principles
3.1. Unmerged reflection data: the image-fitness criterion
Robust automation of the processing of sets of diffraction images frequently requires the detection of poor image ranges, such as can result from the loss of centring during crystal rotation or from excessive radiation damage. For this purpose, a quantitative criterion is required to assess whether an image, or image range, is `fit to be retained' in the final merging step or would best be excluded from it. Clearly, such a decision needs to consider the cost of such exclusions (especially in potentially compromising completeness) versus the benefits of removing particularly noisy contributors to the final merged intensities that may lead to certain data-quality metrics becoming unreliable.
Here, we introduce a new quantity that attempts to describe the contribution of a particular measurement i to the overall, inverse-variance-weighted merged intensity from N measurements for a given unique reflection. We first define a base quantity Si as
that describes the contribution of an individual measurement relative to the average contribution for a given unique reflection.
We then define the fitness of an image j as the average of the Si over all nj measurements associated with that image as
with the rationale that a low fitness value for an image indicates that it contains an accumulation of measurements with small relative contributions to the merged intensities of their respective unique reflections.
As such, it provides a criterion for identifying poor image ranges and can be used to automatically exclude them. This feature is available in autoPROC,1 where the fitness criterion is computed only over those unique reflections where the I/σ(I) value of the merged reflection is at least 2. The fitness values for each image are then analysed to detect consecutive images with values below a cutoff of, for example, 0.5, that are then automatically excluded in subsequent steps if they constitute sufficiently large ranges. The I/σ(I) threshold value (default 2) for selecting measurements over which to compute image fitness in the first place, as well as the cutoff value for the fitness below which images are excluded, can be adjusted by users of autoPROC. We have found in our regular analyses of large numbers of data sets that the current default values (i) include enough significant measurements to yield useful image fitness values and (ii) lead to rejection of only the most problematic image ranges.
The fitness criterion as a function of image number performs well in the detection and removal of poor image ranges associated, for example, with degradation or loss of crystal centring, as this causes an attenuation of the diffraction pattern. The raw intensity measurements extracted from these images will therefore need to be upscaled during subsequent processing to bring them onto the same scale as unattenuated equivalent measurements collected elsewhere in the data set. Upscaling an attenuated intensity by a factor k ≫ 1, and hence its variance by a factor of k2, will decrease the quantity Si in equation (3) by a factor of roughly 1/k ≪ 1, and therefore depress the fitness of images containing a systematic accumulation of such measurements. Although other factors may also be at play in lowering the fitness of an image or range of images, this connection between the upscaling of measurements from images affected by loss of centring and the decrease in the fitness of these images is a simple picture to keep in mind in rationalizing our definition and use of fitness.
The fitness criterion can also detect the effects of radiation damage, as these result in a similar attenuation of the diffraction pattern, but other metrics and tools might be better suited, or provide finer control, towards this specific task, for example the Rd metric (Diederichs, 2006) or the ΔCC1/2 metric (Assmann et al., 2016
3.2. Reflection auditing
By the end of the
process, our goal is to understand the reasons why certain reflections, or groups of reflections, have a low likelihood value given the final refined model. It is important to note that there will always be a few outlier reflections due to inherent errors in the data and the need for a balanced approach between the number of refined parameters, data quality and available restraints. However, identifying patterns of poorly fitting reflections can help to pinpoint specific issues in the data and potentially suggest improvements in data processing, experimental designs or sample quality.After model BUSTER, the log(likelihood) value for each reflection given the current model is analysed, for example, as a function of resolution.2
withThe reflections with a very low log(likelihood) value are of particular interest here: we usually concentrate on those below 7σ [relative to the mean of all log(likelihood) values)], which would represent extreme outliers. Although such reflections could just be rejected automatically before any further cycles (as is performed by default when using the aB_autorefine interface to BUSTER), we would like to also understand the underlying reasons and potential patterns leading to these outliers. The provided plots also include markers for known ice-ring resolution ranges, which can simplify the detection of ice contamination that might have affected the integration and/or scaling of the original reflection data. A similar capability to detect ice rings using the reflection data only in an analysis against resolution is available in the program AUSPEX (Thorn et al., 2017).
3.2.1. Looking at single reflections
Even if a small number of outlier reflections at the point of model σ value (standard uncertainty) and thus would carry a lot of weight during and also dominate the computations dealing with the bulk-solvent contribution to the total structure-factor amplitude.
might seem to be nothing to be concerned about, if such outliers occur, for example, predominantly at the very low resolution end of the merged reflection data, they could have a much larger impact on both performance and electron-density map quality than expected. The lowest resolution reflections are usually assumed to be both strong and with a relatively small associatedLow-resolution outliers are most commonly caused by an incorrect masking of the beamstop or beamstop holder during data processing. Automatic methods of masking shadowed static areas of the 2D diffraction images (such as the DEFPIX step in XDS) rely on a good contrast between the area of the detector receiving both diffraction and background scatter and the shadowed areas resulting from, for example, the beamstop and beamstop holder. With the usual modern data-collection strategies on pixel-array detectors of `low dose, high multiplicity and fine slicing' (Mueller et al., 2012), this contrast is not always present. Furthermore, beamstop holders come in a large variety of shapes and configurations that do not always adhere to the assumptions of such automatic tools (a circular beamstop centred on the direct beam position and on a simple, fairly rectangular beamstop holder).
3.2.2. Looking at groups of reflections
If large sets of merged reflection data outliers are not grouped in an easily understood way, such as known ice-ring resolution ranges or very low resolution, it can be helpful to look for these outlier reflections in the context of the underlying unmerged reflection data. Such unmerged reflection data will typically carry additional information such as the rotation angle and detector position at which each measurement was originally recorded. This enables the visualization and analysis of these outliers as a function of rotation angle (i.e. image number) or detector position. The former can highlight particular image ranges that make a large contribution to the problematic (merged) reflection data, while the latter can help to identify potential detector or experimental setup problems such as damaged pixels or detector modules, incorrect handling of module gaps, dynamic shadowing due to goniostat movement not yet accounted for, etc.
3.3. Radiation-damage analysis via F(early) − F(late) maps
Any X-ray diffraction experiment will automatically cause radiation damage within the sample, mostly resulting in some breakdown of crystal order or site-specific damage at susceptible atoms and chemical groups (Garman & Weik, 2023). To help visualize the latter effects and to provide the additional information required for adequate parametrization of the model during against the (dose-)averaged merged reflection data, we introduced so-called F(early) − F(late) (read: `early-minus-late') maps into both our data-processing package autoPROC and the suite BUSTER.3
These maps can be computed using the F(early) − F(late) difference as amplitude and the current best set of phases obtained during model They will show positive difference density where the `early' data contains electrons while the `late' data does not: this could be interpreted as a loss of electrons at this position, i.e. radiation damage. One will see negative values where additional electrons are present in the `late' data set, which could be due to some movement of atoms, side chains or chemical groups and would usually be accompanied by some positive (loss of electrons) density close by.
3.3.1. Creation of F(early) and F(late) amplitudes during data processing within autoPROC
During the scaling protocol of autoPROC, a final set of scale parameters is obtained from the full set of unmerged reflection data and, after scaling and merging, the cumulative completeness as a function of image number is computed in two ways: (i) `forward' starting at the first image with increasing image number and (ii) `backward' from the last image with decreasing image number. The values obtained by (i) can be used to define an `early' image range that would give a reasonably complete set of merged reflections (compared to the maximum achievable completeness for a given data set), while the same can be performed using the data computed in (ii) for a set of images constituting the `late' data set (see Fig. 1).
![]() | Figure 1 Cumulative completeness analysis to determine optimal segmentation for `early' and `late' data sets as performed by autoPROC. (a) PDB entry 5srx (Gahbauer et al., 2023 ![]() ![]() |
Because the goal is to have the largest possible distance (in terms of image numbers) between these two image ranges, the decision making as used in autoPROC involves a compromise between the completeness gained by adding more images to the set versus the reduction in gap width between the two sets. It is more important to maintain a sufficiently wide gap between the `early' and `late' data set to have a chance of visualizing radiation-damage effects than to gain a few more percentage points of completeness. This approach is very similar to that used by de Sanctis & Nanao (2012) in the context of experimental phasing making use of intensity differences due to site-specific radiation damage (see also Schiltz et al., 2004
Some important points to consider and remember are the following.
(i) The image number is used as a proxy for dose, with all of the simplifications that this entails. Ideally, the crystal would be fully bathed in the beam during the entire experiment and the
would be constant throughout. This is a simplification that is nearly always necessary to make, since hardly any experiment will record this level of detailed information in the data available at the point of data processing, even if performed at a synchrotron beamline directly after the experiment has finished.(ii) After selecting the appropriate image ranges, no further processing of the measurements contained within these image ranges is being performed. The scale as well as error model adjustment parameters previously determined for the full set of images are left unchanged, and the measurements are only merged into the two `early' and `late' data sets. This ensures that the two merged reflection data sets are scaled relative to each other as consistently as possible, or at least as consistently as the overall merged data used later for model F(early) − F(late) difference we are interested in is as significant as possible.
and that the3.3.2. Use and analysis after with BUSTER
When BUSTER (either the refine or aB_autorefine interface or when run as part of our Pipedream pipeline; Sharff et al., 2023) is given an input MTZ file with data columns F_early/SIGF_early and F_late/SIGF_late (as, for example, produced automatically by autoPROC if at all possible), the final step will involve creating adequate map coefficients in the output MTZ file (F_early-late/PHI_early-late) and analysis of the F(early) − F(late) map against the current model. The former enables easy map calculation, for example in Coot (Emsley et al., 2010
), while the latter simplifies a quick overview regarding potential radiation damage at typical positions such as carboxyl groups (Glu/Asp side chains), S atoms (for example in Cys or Met) or halides (for example brominated ligands).
4. Benefits from using enriched unmerged data: examples
All examples are taken either from deposited PDB structures with available raw diffraction data collected on modern pixel-array detectors or recent PDB entries for which scaled and unmerged reflection data have been deposited.
4.1. Unmerged reflection data: the image-fitness criterion
The fitness criterion provides a robust method for, for example, automatically rejecting poor image ranges during data integration, scaling or merging. As an example, the deposited unmerged data for PDB entry 8aj2 (Batista et al., 2023) can be used to analyse the effects of radiation damage by first calculating merging statistics for the full set of images (see Fig. 2
). Based on a cutoff value of 0.5, images 1394–2000 should be excluded. The effects on the data-quality metrics are shown in Table 1
: removal of 30% of the images has very little impact on completeness or outer-shell statistics (ignoring multiplicity-biased Rmerge values). Only the overall 〈I/σ(I)〉 value shows a decrease when using the subset of available data. Performing an additional scaling using AIMLESS (Evans & Murshudov, 2013
) on the full or restricted set of unmerged reflection data shows very similar data-quality metrics throughout: the overall 〈I/σ(I)〉 value for the subset has now increased. The potential impact on performance and model quality still needs to be analysed (Diederichs & Karplus, 2013
), ideally including a reprocessing of the full set of raw diffraction images so that the 30% poorer images towards the end of data collection could be excluded right from the start.
‡Using deposited unmerged reflection data for the first 1393 images only. §Data-quality metrics given in the archived PDBx/mmCIF entry for PDB entry 8aj2. ¶Using deposited unmerged data without any further scaling or error model adjustment. ∥Using deposited unmerged data for scaling and error model adjustment in AIMLESS. #Rmerge = ![]() ![]() ††Rmeas = ![]() ![]() ‡‡Rp.i.m. = ![]() §§Average (within given resolution limits) of inverse-variance-weighted mean intensities over their corresponding error. ¶¶Correlation coefficient between two randomly chosen `half' sets (Karplus & Diederichs, 2012 ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Figure 2 Merging R values (top, with Rp.i.m. in green, Rmeas in blue and Rmerge in red) and fitness analysis (bottom) as a function of image number for the full set of deposited unmerged reflection data, i.e. 2000 images, for PDB entry 8aj2. The noisy raw data are shown as thin lines, while the smoothed values to be used in decision making are shown in bold. Plots were generated using gnuplot (Williams & Kelley, 2014 ![]() |
4.2. Reflection auditing
4.2.1. Low-resolution data-processing problems
Apart from some obvious outliers within the highest resolution ice ring of PDB entry 5ofb (Douse et al., 2018), a single reflection with (1, 1, 0) at very low resolution shows a very low log(likelihood) value. This reflection was only ever measured once in the original experiment, which will not allow a comparison and possible outlier-rejection analysis, unless the intensity of this single measurement were to be compared with other measurements in a similar resolution range. However, at low resolution such comparisons become difficult, for example, due to questions of binning.
The original diffraction spot sits very close to (or even within) the beamstop shadow and would not have been integrated if the beamstop had been manually masked during data processing. The particular shape of the beamstop, as well as its interaction with columns of damaged pixels and a module gap close by, make it difficult for any automatic masking procedure to correctly define the circular beamstop shape required for accurate masking at this point (see Fig. 3).
![]() | Figure 3 Low-resolution data problems for PDB entry 5ofb due to inadequate automatic beamstop masking. (a) Smoothed and averaged background scatter determined by the INIT step in XDS, (b) automatic beamstop masking as determined by the DEFPIX step in XDS, (c) individual pixels marked as inactive or masked and (d) reflection (1, 1, 0) partially obscured by the beamstop shadow in a region where the automatic masking procedure is underperforming. |
4.2.2. Ice contamination
Re-refinement of the deposited model for PDB entry 4z48 (Joint Center for Structural Genomics, unpublished work) with BUSTER (against the deposited amplitudes) followed by an analysis of per-reflection log(likelihood) values as a function of resolution shows a clear contamination of the deposited merged reflection data by ice rings present on the diffraction images (see Fig. 4).
![]() | Figure 4 Log(likelihood) values of unique reflections after re-refinement of PDB entry 4z48 using BUSTER. Reflections in the working set are shown in red and those in the test set are shown in blue. Those reflections with log(likelihood) values above −7σ are shown as semi-transparent circles. The green points are log(likelihood) values of all reflections sorted on increasing value. (a) Full range of log(likelihood) values. (b) Close-up to highlight finer details of reflections with low log(likelihood) values. |
4.2.3. Problematic image ranges
After re-refinement using the deposited model and reflection data for PDB entry 6vzu (Mahalingan et al., 2020), the analysis of per-reflection log(likelihood) values shows a surprisingly large number of outliers (below 7σ) that cover a wide resolution range (see Fig. 5
). However, they do occur within two very distinct image ranges 180° apart from each other during data collection. The distribution of those outliers as a function of detector position shows that they lie far away from the horizontal spindle axis. Together, these two observations suggest a processing issue due to reflection overlap caused by too large a rotation range per image.
![]() | Figure 5 Analysis of poorly fitting reflection data during refinement (`reflection auditing') for PDB entry 6vzu. (a) Log(likelihood) values of each unique reflection after BUSTER as a function of resolution: a large number of reflections with log(likelihood) values below −7σ are visible (working reflections are shown in red and test-set reflections in blue). (b) After determining the image number of all measurements contributing to those low-log(likelihood) unique reflections, the number of these potentially suspect measurements is given as a function of image number: two clear regions are visible around images 50 and 230. (c) The same set of low-log(likelihood) unique reflections is analysed to determine the detector coordinates of each contributing measurement and shown as a function of detector surface, with the image origin at the top left [circles coloured and scaled according to the log(likelihood) value of the merged unique reflection associated with these unmerged measurements]. |
4.3. Radiation-damage analysis via F(early) − F(late) maps
4.3.1. Radiation damage at the ligand
The deposited data for PDB entry 7zkg (Amariei et al., 2022) contain the scaled and unmerged reflection data that allow the generation of a set of F(early) and F(late) amplitudes (using the first 195 and last 219 images, respectively) in addition to the amplitudes after merging reflections from all 3600 images. After BUSTER the F(early) − F(late) difference map shows some very pronounced positive peaks (loss of electrons) for several Asp and Glu carboxyl groups. Furthermore, the S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) cofactor has additional indications of radiation damage, as can be seen in the F(early) − F(late) difference map (see Fig. 6
![]() | Figure 6 Model and maps after re-refinement of PDB entry 7zkg using BUSTER and the re-merged deposited data. The 2mFo − DFc electron density is shown in blue at 1 r.m.s. and the F(early) − F(late) difference map is shown in green (positive) and red (negative) at 5 r.m.s.. The S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) cofactor is shown in a thicker ball-and-stick presentation than the protein. Several typical indications of radiation damage are visible on the protein (from left to right): CysA64, AspA156 and GluA36. The cofactor itself seems to have suffered radiation damage to the sulfur and carboxyl group at the cysteine end. |
4.3.2. Improved model parametrization
PDB entry 5kco (Structural Genomics Consortium, unpublished work) contains an `early stage, low affinity fragment candidate modelled at reduced occupancy': compound 6RO, N-(4-chlorophenyl)methanesulfonamide. This is modelled with an overall occupancy of 0.84 for all atoms, with the Cl atom showing a significantly higher B factor (32 Å2) than the other non-H atoms (18 Å2). A re-refinement of the deposited model against the deposited merged amplitudes using BUSTER results in final R and Rfree values of 0.180 and 0.201, respectively, compared with the deposited values of 0.183 and 0.215 using REFMAC (Murshudov et al., 2011). The occupancy of the 6RO compound refines to 0.73: this includes an automatic adjustment of the (real part) for Cl and S atoms for the given data-collection wavelength of 0.9282 Å. The B factor for the Cl atoms decreases slightly to a value of 26 Å2, which is still higher than the average for other non-H atoms (18 Å2). These values (an overall occupancy of around 0.73 and a chlorine B factor of about 30 Å2) do not change much if using either the deposited unmerged intensities (merging them without scaling using AIMLESS and calculating amplitudes using TRUNCATE; French & Wilson, 1978
) or reprocessing the deposited raw diffraction data using autoPROC.
The data from this last step (reprocessing the raw diffraction data using autoPROC) provide additional opportunities for further analysis: not only do we have the (overall) average set of amplitudes using all 1500 images available, but also the F(early) and F(late) amplitudes based on images 1–717 and 1081–1500, respectively. The F(early) − F(late) map produced by BUSTER shows a very strong and clear peak at the Cl atom, suggesting significant radiation damage throughout the data collection (see Fig. 7).
![]() | Figure 7 Electron-density and difference density maps for PDB entry 5kco after re-processing in autoPROC and re-refinement in BUSTER. The 6RO compound is shown with surrounding protein residues, a 2mFo − DFc density map at 1.0 r.m.s. and mFo − DFc difference density at 3.5 r.m.s.. The occupancy and isotropic B factor for the Cl atom are shown close to that atom, while those for the non-Cl atoms are shown below the compound. (a) Deposited model of 6RO in PDB entry 5kco. (b) After re-processing the raw diffraction data with autoPROC and refining a single occupancy over all compound atoms. (c) F(early) − F(late) map at 5.0 r.m.s. showing a strong peak at the Cl atom. (d) After using separate occupancy parameters for the Cl and non-Cl compound atoms. |
BUSTER against those overall amplitudes using a separate occupancy parameter for the Cl atom and for all other atoms results in R and Rfree values of 0.185 and 0.207, respectively. The refined occupancies are 0.39 and 0.79 for the Cl and non-Cl atoms, respectively, while the respective B factors are now 20 and 19 Å2. This confirms that the average occupancy of the Cl atom over the exposure of the crystal to X-rays is lower by a factor of two compared with the rest of the molecule. The separate parametrization of occupancy for the radiation-sensitive and radiation-insensitive parts of the compound [as confirmed by these F(early) − F(late) features] not only prevents an artificial lowering of inadequate overall occupancy parameters, but also prevents the atomic isotropic B factor from becoming artificially inflated to compensate for the incorrect model parametrization.
Two additional refinements against the amplitudes from the `early' and `late' data sets confirm the effect of radiation damage on the Cl atom via refined occupancies of 0.46 and 0.27, respectively. This shows that even for the `early' data set (94% completeness with a minimum of data used given the orientation of the crystal and the starting angle chosen) a significant amount of radiation damage is already detectable.
4.4. Outlook for the re-analysis of deposited unmerged data
Between 14 July 2022 and 13 July 2023, 3662 new PDB entries based on X-ray diffraction data were deposited. Of these, 44 (1.2%) contained unmerged reflection data with _diffrn_refln.pdbx_image_id data (recording the image number that a given unmerged reflection was measured on). 19 of these also contained the pixel coordinates for each observation on the detector surface (as the items _diffrn_refln.pdbx_detector_x and _diffrn_refln.pdbx_detector_y). These would allow additional analysis and remediation as described above directly on the deposited processed data. We hope that in the future more depositors take advantage of the possibility of depositing their scaled and unmerged reflection data containing these additional metadata.
5. Discussion
As we have seen from the examples given above, unmerged reflection data can carry a wealth of information that can be used to improve data quality as well as the resulting structural model and model parametrization, even if the latter is the result of standard crystallographic autoPROC employ various methods of iteration to improve integration and scaling through the analysis of outliers (for example via automatic ice-ring detection) or via the automatic exclusion of poor image ranges (using the per-image fitness analysis), model and analysis against merged reflection data can also provide valuable feedback towards further improvements in data processing.
against a set of merged amplitudes or intensities. In the same way that modern processing packages such asIn our hands, the newly introduced per-image fitness analysis seems to be a robust metric for detecting poor image ranges at the data-processing stage. Using reflection auditing to correlate outliers in the merged data with the underlying unmerged data and ultimately with the actual raw data and the experimental setup employed can further highlight sometimes very subtle problems. The presented computation of F(early) − F(late) radiation-damage analysis maps should become a standard feature of any data-processing and procedure whenever the type of experiment allows the generation of the required data sets from adequate subsets of images.
The authors would like to thank all of the members of the Global Phasing Consortium for their continuing support of our developments, multiple discussions and the provision of example data sets. We would also like to thank Gleb Bourenkov and Ashwin Chari for a very fruitful, longterm collaboration to push data quality, model
and analysis to the limits of current hardware and software capabilities (and beyond). Finally, we very much appreciate every deposition of unmerged reflection data and raw diffraction images in various public databases by users worldwide.References
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