Figure 5
(a) Structural comparison of the EccC5 arrangement observed in the MtbESX-5 structure (PDB entry 7npr) with our model of the N-terminal region of MtbEccC5 multimerizing as a hexamer. A surface representation of MtbEccC5 molecules is shown, with the transmembrane, stalk and DUF domains coloured yellow, grey and green, respectively. The Walker A, Walker B and Sensor 1 motifs are coloured cyan, pink and orange, respectively. An enlarged view showing the molecular interface between adjacent DUF monomers in our model is shown in the box on the right, where identified contact regions are highlighted in yellow. (b) Details of the interface between adjacent DUF1 (grey) and DUF2 [using the colour code used in (a)] molecules are shown, with residues establishing contacts between the monomers and the Walker A and B motifs represented as sticks; their corresponding interactions are indicated as dashed lines. Water molecules are represented as red spheres. (c) Model showing the aperture of the TM region of MtbEccC5 associated with the proposed multimerization of |