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Figure 2
Template-matching performance using three distinct template classes scaled to different radii (see Fig. 1[link]). Radius scaling was performed by resampling each template to 10 × (radius)−1 times the sampling rate of the tomogram, starting from an initial template with an assigned radius of 10 and the same sampling rate as the tomogram (see Section 2[link]). (a) Ribosome-picking recall by the number of picked particles. We used linear sum assignment to achieve an optimal one-to-one mapping between ground-truth and picked particles. A particle is considered to be correctly picked if it is within a five-voxel distance of its assigned ground-truth particle. Consequently, all particles without assignment to ground-truth particles were considered to be false positives. All 4000 picked particles were considered in the following figures. (b) As in (a) but showing precision instead of recall.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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