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Figure 3
Orientation-distribution plots from RELION (Scheres, 2012BB75) of proteins upon the addition of surfactants with varying properties to the sample buffer before grid preparation. The reference structures of the respective proteins are generated by creating a surface representation in ChimeraX from models from PDB entries 7pkb, 7pk9, 1dgf and 6jql. (a) Changes in the CRP pentamer orientation distribution upon the addition of surfactants. The distributions are distinct from each other, except for Tween 20 and Tween 80, which have similar distributions. (b) Changes in the CRP decamer orientation distribution upon surfactant addition; all surfactants lead to a similar even orientation distribution. (c) Changes in the catalase orientation distribution upon the addition of surfactants, where the charged surfactants have distinct distributions (CTAB and SLS) and the neutral surfactants (Tween 20 and Tween 80) and A8-35 show similar distributions. (d) Changes in PaaZ orientation distributions upon the addition of the cationic surfactant CTAB. The effects of SLS and Tween 20 on PaaZ were also tested, but visual inspection of the micrographs (Supplementary Fig. S3) showed no improvement and no data were collected; therefore they are not included (marked by asterisks). The effects of Tween 80 and A8-35 on PaaZ were not tested.

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