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Figure 1
Incubation of TLR2TIR with MyD88TIR induces higher-order assembly formation. (a) Turbidity-based polymerization assays testing the effect of increasing concentrations of TLR2TIR on higher-order assembly formation. (be) Negative-stain EM analysis reveals higher-order assemblies with ordered crystalline arrays. (b) 30 µM TLR2TIR mixed with 60 µM MyD88TIR. (c) 120 µM TLR2TIR mixed with 60 µM MyD88TIR. (d) 60 µM TLR2TIR mixed with 60 µM MyD88TIR [shown at higher magnification than (b) and (c)]. (e) FFT of images containing assemblies revealed the assemblies possess a crystalline lattice, as shown by the presence of reflections (indicated by black arrows). Assays were repeated at least twice with similar results.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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