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Figure 2
Incubation of TLR1TIR or TLR6TIR with MyD88TIR does not induce higher-order assembly formation. No significant increase in turbidity was observed and negative-stain EM did not show the presence of higher-order assemblies. (a) Turbidity-based polymerization assays testing the effect of TLR1TIR on higher-order assembly formation. (b) Negative-stain EM analysis of 30 µM TLR1TIR mixed with 60 µM MyD88TIR. (c) Turbidity-based polymerization assays testing the effect of TLR6TIR on MyD88TIR higher-order assembly formation. (d) Negative-stain EM of 30 µM TLR6TIR mixed with 60 µM MyD88TIR. Assays were repeated at least twice with similar results.

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ISSN: 2059-7983
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